In explaining how the explicate,
manifest, sensual world
pours out of the plenitude of the void,
they called it a cup which is full,
a concavity holding nothing,
from which everything flows,
you and me, trees and animals,
mountains and men, women and ribs,
flesh and feeling with all potential:
citizens of air, orderly principles,
as well as spite and murder orbiting
thought – wars black holes
something from nothing.
The Movement of the Whole II
In explaining how the explicate,
manifest, sensual world
pours refuse extraneous to humans
into the plenitude of the void,
we call it a cup which is full
for some people,
a concavity holding nothing
for others,
a made up nothingness
of things people don’t need,
emptiness made out of the fullness
of self-interest – self-fulfilling
from which everything flows,
ozone and holes, forests and fires
people looking to land, babies
bobbing the ocean with plastic
and fish, men of matter,
flesh without feeling, even the
paradox of all potential having
taken a wrong turning, as well as
the possibility of finding another.
Wendy Clayton