Once, I was part of Pieter Brueghel’s crew
Sulking home with only Durer’s hare to show
From the hunt. Maybe if we’d have spread out more
Or followed the signs, up toward Denton
Instead of going across into Dukinfield. Whose
Great idea was that? We’d set out in great spirits
Intending to bring
The Bible into English
As well as something for the pot
I wish we’d not made so many promises
The mountain on the far side of the canvas
Appears to be unfinished
William Shakespeare is one year old, toddling
Anonymous. Yorrick is skating happily on the ice
Down below. Mrs Macbeth is washing her smalls
In the sink. Ophelia looks well
A crow, the size of a Canadair C-4 Argonaut
Is heading out from Ringway, full of weavers
Going to Mallorca. By anyone’s estimation
it’s a strange afternoon
We should watch for their return
The Hunters in the Snow
by Pieter Brueghel the Elder was painted in 1565
Steven Taylor
Great to see the painting above the poem … thanks
Comment by Steven Taylor on 7 April, 2023 at 7:40 am