John Tissandier’s TWO to ONE is a collection of 100 poems and 50 short stories. Alongside the common poetic themes of nature, love, life and death, there are some more unusual topics: enlightenment, the financial crisis, the heartache of a physicist, the withdrawal symptoms of a nerd, a piece of dust, the Daleks! The stories, too, explore the multifarious wonders of this world and of possible worlds: the search for a genuine guru, the consequences of acquiring an alien artefact, a rewriting of the story of Adam and Eve, the pitfalls of cryogenics, an encounter with a snake fifty miles long, the town where everyone is a therapist, the Amazonian warehouse of all possibilities… May you enjoy passing through these mini-doorways to different intriguing worlds – some frightening, some hilarious. But all of which point to the same hidden essence in each and every thing.


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