Photo P. Zinniker
Notes written in the dark during a performance of “Whitch–Hunt” choreographed by Cathy Marston performed by the Bern Ballet at the Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House, on Friday, May 24, 2013.The lock on the door is the time of the day;
Inside is not outside; nor inside out.
Guilty victims owe balance but
Owning discontinuity is their involuntary beauty.
Un-stable equilibrium is perhaps discipline, perhaps a
Formation weapon, a violence drill,
Requiring precision chaos and
Synchronised uncertainty,
Hands moving limbs:
Parts we do not touch.
On hospital beach where they
Undo what has been finished,
There is no need for the unnatural
Because simple baroque truth judo
Synchronises dying to organise
Nature’s gravity hunger.
A telegram, delivered in silence,
Is a movable fast,
A truth cosh,
A star odour,
A dream mine.
Liberation from Freedom requires
Passing through truth
To reasonable insanity.
Mike Lesser
(Thank you Andre Breton.)
Hiding your bush under a lighter again, I see.
Comment by Robert Tasher on 30 May, 2013 at 5:11 amBushel under a candle? Caddie under a bustle? (see Queen Victoria’s life?)
Comment by mikelesser on 31 May, 2013 at 11:17 am