meet the world’s richest person


now and again
I put my name
on the net
to find out
about myself:
to seek confirmation
that I still exist

this narcissistic trait
has not diminished
down the years
but you never know
what you might
I tell myself in excuse

the last time I looked
I found this invitation:
meet the world’s richest person
it remains unopened:
I do not ever 
want to meet 
this remote bloke

for this person will 
undoubtably be a bloke
and much like
Richard Branson 
and his self-justifying ilk
so why should I
want to meet?

we all know
the very rich
can only exist
at the expense
of the very poor:
the evidence 
is everywhere before us

I don’t want to meet 
the world’s poorest person either
if I can avoid it
so what to do?
put my narcissistic shoulder
to the wheel is I suppose
better than nothing




Jeff Cloves

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