Short Summary of Strategic Combat


(after Kasparov vs Karpov, 1986)

The playground is open, with white to move.

D4 F6. A few pawn boys make a safety zone

out by the swings, waiting for Father to go for the ruse.

C4 G6. Everyone calls the queen Sis’ Loretta

when she jumps over the Treatment Room’s steps

to the battlefield. The fifth move: Q to B3.

By the eleventh round, the game enters

a phase of hand-to-hand combat. Father attacks,

we defend on each side. Sister gets hurt,

two pawn boys, sacrificed, but nobody castles.

Our fight, bishop to rook. Check on the playground

as the last knight falls at the match point.

Most pieces are gone on both frontlines. Thirty-one

moves. Checkmate. From the opposing team,

Father says we are playing a game bigger than us.





© Maria Stadnicka, 2020
Illustration: Claire Palmer

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