Capitalism doesn’t make you feel better about yourself
Its dynamic relies on your dissatisfaction, your unhappiness
and the desire to satiate an impossible longing. With me
it’s Ava Gardner. An expression from one of the early films
She’d stop towards me, her blouse unbuttoned and her lips
slightly parted, and then we’d kiss. If not Ava (I know she’s
dead, dead and buried. I think Sinatra paid for her funeral)
then someone else from that era. Not Joan Crawford or Bette
Davis. Not Deitrich. People say that Liv Tyler resembles Ava
But I don’t see it. Maybe Anjelica Huston (for the smirk and
the raised eyebrow). I get distracted from the revolution
by falling in love too easily, but this doesn’t contradict
my main assertion. It’s based on solid evidence
Capitalism doesn’t make you feel better about yourself
Steven Taylor