A reactionary wind sweeps the sidewalk -reliving
those blond blue – eyed yesterdays
A hamster-cheeked white sugared boy
clenches his fist and under the curl of
his toddler grin he cries: ‘Don’t don’t sit here. Terrawist!’
Teeny weeny dimpled feet stomping on the blue checked seat
Milk toothed coral-lipped antagonist
Pulling apart the threads of her headscarf
An awkward scene repeated on planes and trains
and in the street
in shops and at the office
suited snakes stare at her -then recoil as if she
were the one who murdered them all
and anger sweats their lips
as they succumb to that twang
Platters of sorrow and dead tomorrows
if the divisive hand of blame won’t change.
Saira Viola
Image: Elena Caldera
“A hamster-cheeked white sugared boy…” Love it!
It still amazes me how people can get away with un-instigated assault in the name of security. The Bush Doctrine brought down to the personal level…
Comment by Dave Allen on 6 April, 2017 at 8:27 am