‘Who sows misery reaps anger’
World Riots 24/7
‘Who sows misery reaps anger’
World Riots 24/7
Comment by Douglas Newman on 23 December, 2012 at 12:37 amI’ve “liked” your page on Facebook and appreciate what you’re doing in showing events that are happening all over the world in these changing times.
I’d like to know why I am suddenly not able to “like” or comment on any of your Facebook pages? I’d like to know if it is your people who are preventing “liking” your page, or is it Facebook that is blocking my ability to “like” or comment?
Thanks for you interest and what you do to provide accurate information to the People of the World.
Dunno. Nothing personal. Keep trying. We like to be liked. Thanks for your comments.
Comment by Niall on 29 December, 2012 at 1:19 pm