Gravity’s I
In the asylum we try
flying, but the continuous
success in it kills the fun.
The Sun burns our wings.
Sweating floods away
the medcine. We hug gravity.
The worst problem seems to be
ourbleeding elbows and knees.
ourbleeding elbows and knees.
The doctor who proclaimed
to be our flight instructor
goes missing. Did he fly to near
to the brightness? Losing him
doesn’t free us. We remain
confined to eachother
through gravity. We orbit
the dead star – the asylum.
the dead star – the asylum.
Gavity’s II
Eddie took a leap when
the photo came alive, and he
is still air bourne solving
the gravity-problems.
The roof, car, pedestals
of the gate, staircase Eddie
hops on them all, his feet
making them real as I cheer
and ask someone to jeer
just to keep him here, so that
balance stays balanced, so he
doesn’t fly into obscurity,
doesn’t fall from his ‘high’, ride
through one of the windows
of the classroom of empty clouds.
Kushal Poddar
Photo Margo Leclere
Kushal Poddar lives in Kolkata, India
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