Who Is Daniel King?
Assembly Rooms, Powder Room, 54 George Street (Venue 20) Until Aug 24 @ 6.55pm
The Powder Room is a temporary venue erected in the centre of George Street, with hundreds of visitors trawling noisily past, and music blasting from adjacent venues, but any distractions are soon forgotten as Ed Eales-White (Daniel King) begins his obsessive journey to become a dancer. We become lost in the elasticated contortions of Daniel King’s body and mind, as this bread-winning husband and father protagonist discovers a passion for dance. Well, a sort of dance, one the late Rik Mayall might have choreographed. Cleverly, even the various characters (played with skillful precision by Lorna Shaw and Ed Coleman) seem to float balletically around Daniel, as his inner hunger for physical self-expression grows. Without giving too much away, the unfolding dilemma for our would-be hoofer is whether to forsake his past and present status quo in pursuit of what his friends and family view as pure self-delusion. Does he perform at the local Oxted’s Got Talent competition and risk losing his wife and child, or not? The answer is well worth the price of a ticket. I urge you to see a show that brought rare laughter tears to my eyes. If I gave stars (which I don’t), I would give one to each member of the cast and production team, and there are certainly more than five!
REVIEWER: Kevin Short for International Times