Charles Byrne was seven
Feet and seven inches tall.
He came to London
From County Tyrone,
And was quickly persuaded
To join a freak show:
‘Roll up everyone!
Come and see the Colossus!
The Irish Giant!’
He was twenty-two,
And was driven to drink by
The humiliation.
Soon he was dying
In a house in Cockspur Street,
Near to Charing Cross.
Before so doing
He made his last wishes clear:
‘Burial at sea’
To ensure that he
Would avoid the curious,
And any doctors
Keen to dissect him.
“I want a lead lined coffin
To preserve myself,
At the sea’s bottom.”
However, word of his death
Attracted London’s
Medical circles.
It was reported that,
Tribes of surgeons
Put in a claim for
The poor departed Irishman
And surrounded his house,
Just as harpooners
Would an enormous whale.”
Dr. John Hunter,
A London surgeon,
Avid for rare specimens,
Won through bribery.
He left with the corpse,
Spending five hundred pounds
(Fifty thousand today),
And boiled the body
Down to its enormous bones.
Now Byrne’s skeleton
Is in a museum:
The Hunterian, Royal
College of Surgeons,
Where it’s earned its keep,
In the interests of science,
For two hundred years –
Thanks to John Hunter,
The medical grave-robber.
But a Belfast lawyer,
Called Thomas Muinzer,
Has told the British Medical Journal
It’s time for a change.
Professor Doyal,
The medical ethicist,
Supports Muinzer’s view
“The fact is
Hunter knew of Byrne’s terror
Of him and ignored
His wishes for the
Disposal of his body.”
Yet the Royal College
Still clings to the bones
They’ve had for two hundred years –
Bones they’ve now picked clean.
They’ve scraped his DNA –
Analyzed Tyrone family
Pituitary glands
That overproduce
The growth hormone
In Byrne’s relatives
Accelerating growth –
The Byrne acromegalic
And ancestral gene
That’s led to myths that
Byrnes built the Giants’ Causeway,
Or even Stonehenge.
“And there were giants
In the land in those days,”
Overlaps with myth.
Romantic Ireland’s
Dead as fairies, yet surgeons
(Who’d chloroform fairies
For their College),
Keep a pet giant patiently
Standing in their box.
The friends of the giant
Insist that it is high time
Byrne’s wish was granted,
That he left the glass case,
As befits his dying wish,
For the Irish sea.
The Royal College
Says no: ‘there’s a scrap more meat
On the giant’s bones’.
Facetiously call it a
“Bone of contention.”
Medicine’s purpose
Is to free mankind from pain,
But always for a fat fee,
And Byrne will earn more
For the College of Surgeons
Than he will at peace.
Charles Byrne’s growth hormone
Is still invaluable to
Doctors’ bank accounts
So giants must wait
Patiently for two hundred
Years for fair treatment.
The Queen of England
Once came to stare at the giant,
And then she passed on.
Royalty’s rogue genes
And medicine’s greed are both
Weird enormities,
But they’re protected
By privilege, and exempt
From imprisonment.
The lonely giant –
A colonial victim
Of market forces –
Still stands in his booth,
Scrutinized by visitors
From an alien world.
Heathcote Williams
Interesting! He was a giant among men yet his life lived in torture…a freak of display and even in death he was ripped apart and once more displayed as a freak but only to his final resting place!
Comment by Brent Schuster on 16 March, 2012 at 3:36 am