The gate of the garden,
the long half of it,
gone kaput ad still in
full swing,
lets you meet
the swans owning the green.
On one seat
a couple settles a dispute.
I ask a firefly
to light my roll.
This is the sign
we users use.
Kushal Poddar
Illustration Nick Victor
Edited the online magazine ‘Words Surfacing’.
Authored ‘The Circus Came To My Island’ (Spare Change Press, Ohio), “A Place For Your Ghost Animals” (Ripple Effect Publishing, Colorado Springs), “Understanding The Neighborhood” (BRP, Australia), “Scratches Within” (Barbara Maat, Florida), “Kleptomaniac’s Book of Unoriginal Poems” (BRP, Australia) and “Eternity Restoration Project- Selected and New Poems” (Hawakal Publishers, India)