Keeping a score is a nuanced way
One two three for every chores
Morning tea sugars milk
One liquid one pound one gallons
Prefixes and suffixes for everyday
Coming and going
Homeberries holiday retreats winters
For the bride of bridges
Worlds collide upon the lightness
In darkness there’s an ocean fold clothes
Embers Ashes evening namesake
A beatitude of quietly elegant muskrose
Her twopence basket holds nutshell
Little animals of simplicity
Like water like wind takes up spaces around
A knife edged barred silhouette
Mudslides of diamonds and rusty patches
Winters and evenings
Delights keeping the purse open for queue
Questions drop open
Little girl’s snowflakes snowmanship
Crafty simple art
An orange peel melting pot cooking jar
National anthems parades paraded paths
The evening lights take shape
Oval shaped nights northern ferry
Cards cares locations inroads insides
Out of suffixes out of prefixes
Keeps borders out
Beyond the white washed agedead
Sprung open the Bluebird wind
The white lake fire
Awakening of the evening light
My fingers into white shadows.
By Sayani Mukherjee.