The Inner Mountain.

This new collection of poems is enhanced by 18 full color reproductions of David’s beautiful watercolors. 


     Hawks who flew here for centuries
     left their shadows stacked so high
     they formed a ridgeline.
     Dry lightning whipped it
     and darkness howled a supplication
     to seek relief until
     the mountain was a prayer  
     turned to stone.

David Chorlton was born in Austria and grew up in Manchester, England. In 1971 he moved from the rainy industrial city to the cultural city of Vienna and stayed seven years before moving to Phoenix, where he began to invest more time in his writing. Arizona’s landscape and wildlife gradually infiltrated his work, where he can show his affection for them even while acknowledging that he remains, quite contentedly, unassimilated. That is a circumstance to which he owes much of his poetry.

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