Tag Archives: Heathcote Williams

2,567 DAYS AGO

David Erdos

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AT 82

David Erdos

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The Sixth Sonnet 

David Erdos

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Another Number

David Erdos

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HE WAS: Tributes to Heathcote Williams

New Book

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David Erdos

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David Erdos
Photo: Jay Jeff Jones

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Memoirs of A Bavarian Illuminati Hunter (Trilogy)


Sebastian Drechsler
Ethan Harrison
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Juggling Ghosts by Heathcote Williams

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David Erdos

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Heathcote Williams – for his Birthday

Elena Caldera

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All Bikes Are Weapons

Words Heathcote Williams
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Going to Heathcote Williams’s Funeral in Oxford


Vanessa Vie
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Two Comedy Suicides

David Erdos
Cockpit Theatre, Sept 6th

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David Erdos

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‘Trans-Am Totem’ and ‘Autogeddon’

Jan Herman

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The Truth Dentist will see you now (Part 2)


Jay Jeff Jones

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The Mystery of the Orgasm

hw5Heathcote Williams
Pic Elena Caldera

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Hello, I Love You! An Interview with Heathcote Williams


Interviewer: Jim Haynes
Artworks: Elena Caldera
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Ruff, Tuff, Cream Puff


Heathcote Williams
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Blue Tears

Image: Elena Caldera
Words: Heathcote Williams

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Love Is Divine

Heathcote Williams
Pic: Elena Caldera

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The First July First for Heathcote Williams

David Erdos
collage Rupert Loydell
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Remembering Heathcote Williams

Heidi Stephenson
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For Heathcote Williams

Francesco Alienmind Franzoi

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Heathcote Williams reads his poem ‘Advertisement’


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Dick Lander by Charles Causley

Read by Heathcote Williams
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Heathcote Williams

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A November Afternoon in 1964

Hanja Kochansky
Illust: Claire Palmer
Review: Heathcote Williams

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The Anarchist Jesus.

Heathcote Williams
Eric Morabito
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Heathcote Williams: A Eulogy to the Dad I Never Knew

.Charlie Gilmour
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Love is….

Elena Caldera
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Heathcote Williams: A Tribute

Grey Gowrie
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Using Art & Sport to Inspire Action to Save Our Planet

Sept 30th

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Death of a Rebel

Peter Whitfield
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 David Erdos
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‘After the Revolution’: Heathcote Williams as Playwright


Jay Jeff Jones

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Remembering Heathcote: a letter

Dwina Gibb
Illustration: Claire Palmer

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HW reading from the I Ching

Heathcote Williams

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For Heathcote Williams

  Jose Emilio Pacheco

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Royal Babylon

Heathcote Williams

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Liberty’s Burka

by Heathcote Williams
narration and montage by Alan Cox
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Moscow’s Poetry Stroll

Heathcote Williams
Video & Narration:
Alan Cox

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The Subversive Giant of Cerne Abbas

by Heathcote Williams,
narration and montage by Alan Cox.
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The Big Song 2

Heathcote Williams

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Eating an Apple

Heathcote Williams
Illustration Teresa Tanner

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Easy Verses For Difficult Times

New book by
David Erdos

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Ballad of a Broken Hearth

Review: David Erdos

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Black Eye Porn

Martin Rowson
Heathcote Williams

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There has to be an Afterlife

Heathcote Williams
Pic: Elena Caldera

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One Hand on the Button, the Other Somewhere Else

Review by David Erdos

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The Big Song

Heathcote Williams
Monday 22nd May
Brighton Dome

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Fake News and the Orange Fuhrer

Heathcote Williams
cYberbanX & Elena Caldera

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In Your Dreams

Heathcote Williams
Elena Caldera

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‘Consequences’ Art Exhibition

11 -12 March
Pic: Will Self/Group Show
Neal Brown Fine Art

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Behind Shadow– or, An Opera of the Mind     

Ed.Marc James Leger
Review: David Erdos

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‘Listen, Little Man!’ Revisited in the Post-Truth Era

Susan de Muth

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“Trump’s Gonna Make Me Rich!”

Heathcote Williams
Video: Alan Cox

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Elena Caldera
Trans: Heathcote Williams

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American Porn by Heathcote Williams

Public Reading Rooms
New Book from
Thin Man Press

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Jesus will be born already dead

Elena Caldera
Transl: Heathcote Williams

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A Traditional Christmas

tradchristmas2Heathcote Williams

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From Calvary to Chemistry – THE IMMORTALIST by Heathcote Williams

jack-moylettReview by David Erdos

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Declared Independence from the UK

By Harry Sword
Photos: Tony Sleep

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The Language of Politicians

the-language-of-politiciansElena Caldera
Transl: Heathcote Williams

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“Authority is The Mask of Violence”: Ralph Steadman

Interview by
Saira Viola

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“The Immortalist” A Play by Heathcote Williams

Friday Dec 9th
October Gallery Theatre

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Whale Nation – ITA

wn1Heathcote Williams
Italian Translation:
Elena Caldera


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Anarchy’s First Mention

ctp5bHeathcote Williams
New Titles from
Cold Turkey Press

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New River Press Launch

new-river-pressThe Society Club
November 25th
7 PM – 10 PM

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God Is Dead

dio-non-e-mortoElena Caldera
w/Heathcote Williams
Francesco Guccini

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Donald J. Trump: president of the US plutocratic pornocracy

.Caricature by Niall O'LoughlinHeathcote Williams
Caricature by Niall O’Loughlin
Thin Man Press

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Whale Nation

whale-nationRead by
Heathcote Williams

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The Oxford Magic – For Heathcote Williams on his 75th Birthday


happy-birthday-hw-xDavid Erdos
Pic: Elena Caldera/
 Jonathan Langran

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Interview with 1960s Photographer Graham Keen


graham-keen-indica-groupKeith Rodway

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Call For Change: A Review of Poetry Can Fuck Up Your Finances


Review: David Erdos

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The Immortalist

immortalistJack Moylett &
Alison Mullin

by Heathcote Williams

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Bob Dylan: fake, cultural thief, shameless and now… Nobel Prize winner

Jan Herman

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An Old Photograph, dated 1945

tiny-heathcoteHeathcote Williams

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Of Thee I Sing: An Overview of ‘An Aesthetic of Obscenity’ 5 Novels by Jeff Nuttall

Review by
David Erdos

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International Times 50th Anniversary

it_1986-11-01_l-it-volume-split_iss-4_020Whale Nation
Heathcote Williams

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Against Violence

against-abuse-xElena Caldera
Heathcote Williams

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Whoever Wins, It Still Means Endless War

Heathcote Williams
Video: Alan Cox

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Ode To The Eternalist: A Litera-Matic Encounter with Alan Moore

alan-xInterview: David Erdos
Filmed by: Keith Rodway

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The Poets of New River Press

new-river-press-poetsRead at the
Albion Beatnik Bookshop
Oxford  7.30pm

Wednesday 28th September

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Celebrating Heathcote Williams

heathcote-housmansBook Launch
Housmans Bookshop

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Is someone still saying there are gods above?

Transl: Heathcote Williams

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Q & A with Heathcote Williams

by Harry Pye
Rebel Magazine

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Brexit Boris – From Mayor to Nightmare

Review: Jan Herman

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Chronic dissatisfaction

chronicxElena Caldera
Trans: Heathcote Williams

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Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton

donaldHeathcote Williams
Narration Alan Cox

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For Shelley on the 4th August, His Birthday.

.shelleyxHeathcote Williams

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stars-4Elena Caldera
Trans: Heathcote Williams

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Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton

demon-TrumpHeathcote Williams
Pic: Elena Caldera

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In Conversation with Heathcote Williams

.heathcote xGeoff Francis

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‘Who do you call when cops murder?’

cops24Heathcote Williams

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Performance of Heathcote Williams’ The Red Dagger

.C Walsh
Marx Memorial Library
Friday July 1st

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The Beast of Brexit

boris 2Heathcote Williams
Video: Margaret Cox

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Open Your Heart

heartHeathcote Williams
Illustration: Elena Caldera

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The Dalai Lama, ISIS, and the President of the US

.USAHeathcote Williams
Illustration: Elena Caldera

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Burning the Blood: 50th Anniversary Production of Heathcote Williams’ The Local Stigmatic

,TLS2Review: David Erdos

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iraq3Niall McDevitt

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Boris Johnson: The Beast of Brexit

beast of brexit 2Heathcote Williams
New Book

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infinity 1Heathcote Williams
Illustration: Elena Caldera

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Auto-Fellatoic Evolution

auto fellatoic 1Heathcote Williams

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The Local Stigmatic: How has celebrity culture changed since 1966?

.Michael-Toumey2xby Director
Michael Toumey

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The Local Stigmatic: A Chat with Director Michael Toumey

michaeltourmeyxLuisa Kapp

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The Local Stigmatic – 50th Anniversary

local stigmatic 2Heathcote Williams
Old Red Lion Theatre
3-28 May 2016

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The Garden of Eden – Certificate X

garden of edenHeathcote Williams
Art: Elena Caldera

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Meeting the Hangman

HangmanHeathcote Williams

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The Copulation of Angels

copulation of angelsHeathcote Williams
Art: Elena Caldera

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The Strange Case of Orwell’s Typewriter

orwell 3Jan Herman
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Anarchy’s First Mention

utopiaHeathcote Williams
Art: Elena Caldera

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Do Chimpanzees Worship a God?

.chimp 1Heathcote Williams

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The Black and Blue of Butterworth’s Diaries

Blue-Monday-diariesMichael Butterworth
Review Jan Herman

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London Is On Fire!

it on sale 3Issue One OUT NOW
Cover: Stanley Donwood

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Of Dylan and his Deaths

dylan1aHeathcote Williams

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Anarchy Haiku

Jesus XHeathcote Williams

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Binsey, the Green Woman and the Wood of Dreams

binseyxxHeathcote Williams

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IT 50th Re-Launch Party

it party xNew Print Edition Party
Collages by
Elena Caldera

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